Mr. Teddy


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&lt,p&gt, Designs 360 mm x 150 mm, 14.2 x 6 inch&lt,br /&gt, CD/ Disk&lt,/p&gt, &lt,p&gt, The kit includes,&lt,/p&gt, &lt,ul&gt, &lt,li&gt, Booklet with sewing instructions&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, Teddy fabric for one Mr Teddy&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, Felt for paws and nose&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, Fake leather for the nose&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, Turquoise felt for one vest&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, White stabilizer&lt,/li&gt, &lt,li&gt, Black stabilizer&lt,/li&gt, &lt,/ul&gt, &lt,p&gt,  ,&lt,/p&gt, &lt,p&gt, After embroidering all the parts of Mr Teddy and sewing them all together, sew a heart on water soluble and place it inside to give him a soul.&lt,/p&gt,


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